Texplained | eDRH Sud



Created in 2013 and based in Sophia Antipolis, Texplained is the reference in Secure Integrated Circuits Reverse Engineering and Analysis. Our company offers a broad range of services and products to educate, evaluate and protect ICs against piracy and counterfeiting.

Equipped with cutting-edge equipments (SEMs, FIB, Plasma Etcher, etc.) and proprietary tools dedicated to secure IC Reverse Engineering, exploration and analysis, we accompany chip makers, governments and other OEMs, in their mission to analyse the hardware security, looks for Backdoors and recover embedded data as well as digital evidence from encrypted devices.

In the context of our development, we have several open positions.

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Nous contacter

Chambre de Commerce
et d’industrie Nice Côte d’Azur

20 Boulevard Carabacel
CS 11259
06005 NICE CEDEX 1

Tel :04 93 13 75 73
(Appel gratuit depuis un poste fixe)