Formation - Introduction to Python in English (level 1)
Référence : GS6UqP5XOA2A
Durée : 21 h sur 3 j
À partir de
475 €
Elara Formations
Une formation mutualisée est une session organisée initialement pour les salariés d’une même entreprise. Mutualiser une formation consiste à l’ouvrir à des participants externes dans le but d’optimiser le taux de remplissage et de partager la facture au prorata. Le tarif de la session est forfaitaire quel que soit le nombre de participants.
Une formation intra-entreprise réunit dans une même session les salariés d'une seule entreprise. Elle se déroule généralement dans les locaux de l'entreprise. Le tarif est convenu pour la formation d'un groupe de salarié.
This training aims to give you autonomy in the Python programming language. We will cover most aspects of Python programming. Each concept will be followed by a practical application.

The training will be entirely in English, but the training written supports are in French. However, the training supports contain mostly code.

Détails de la formation

Méthodes et outils pédagogiques

Presentation of the concept using examples followed by exercices.

Objectifs de la formation

This training aims to give you autonomy in the Python programming language. We will cover most aspects of Python programming. Each concept will be followed by a practical application.

Méthodes d'évaluation

There is no evaluation.

Les plus

This training is made by Arnaud Legout a research scientist specialized in complex data analysis using Python. He has been using Python for 20 years in his research activities and has trained hundreds of students and professionals in this language. He is also the co-author of the most popular French-language MOOC on the Python language with more than 150,000 registrant. This MOOC has been widely praised for its educational quality.


This training is aimed at engineers, doctoral students, post-doc, and researchers who already have knowledge of imperative or functional programming (C, C++, Java, Fortran, MATLAB, Perl, PHP, Lisp, etc.)

No prior knowledge of Python is necessary.

Modalités d'enseignement

  • En distanciel

Public cible

Tous publics

Sessions programmées

Votre formateur

Arnaud Legout
Arnaud Legout is a research director at Inria with over 20 years of teaching experience at university and corporate training. He has been using Python for 20 years in his research activities and has trained hundreds of students and professionals in this language. Together with Thierry Parmentelat, he created the first French-language MOOC on the Python language in 2014. This MOOC has had over 150,000 registrants since its first edition in 2014 and has been widely praised for its educational quality. This MOOC is used by the mathematics degree program at UPMC and by CentraleSupelec Paris to train their students in programming.

Détails de la session

Lieu de la session :
En distanciel
Modalités d'enseignement :
En distanciel
Langue :
Horaires :
9h à 12h30 et 14h00 à 17h30
Possibilité de restauration à proximité :
Restauration incluse :


Basic Types
Description of basic types: numeric (int, long, float, complex, bool), sequences (list, str, tuple, etc.), set, dict. Description of the manipulation of all basic types, introduction to the concept of mutable and immutable types. Presentation of dynamic typing and shared references.
Syntax and Instructions
Presentation of conditional structures (if, elif, else), loops (for), iterators, and advanced for loops.
Presentation of function declaration and polymorphism. Study of the concept of variable scope. Advanced concepts on functions (declaration of named arguments, default, arbitrary, etc.). Introduction to lambda functions and sequence manipulation functions (map(), filter(), reduce()). Presentation of list, dictionary, and set comprehensions. Presentation of generator functions and expressions.
Presentation of namespace concepts. Introduction to the creation and import of modules. Introduction to the concept of packages.
Introduction to object-oriented programming in Python. Presentation of classes and instances concepts. Study of advanced namespace concepts between modules and classes. Presentation of inheritance and methods concepts. Presentation of operator overloading.

Important note

This module is optional, unless all participants are progressing very fast, we usually drop this module. In any case, this training in not on object-oriented programming.

Presentation of exception handling in Python and context managers.

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