Presentation of the concept using examples followed by exercises.
This training covers the fundamentals necessary for any data analysis work in Python. In particular, we will explore the NumPy, pandas, and Seaborn libraries. Throughout the training, we will use Jupyter notebooks. Special attention will be paid to the most recent and effective techniques for data manipulation.
There is no evaluation.
This training is made by Arnaud Legout a research scientist specialized in complex data analysis using Python. He has been using Python for 20 years in his research activities and has trained hundreds of students and professionals in this language. He is also the co-author of the most popular French-language MOOC on the Python language with more than 150,000 registrant. This MOOC has been widely praised for its educational quality.
This training is aimed at engineers, doctoral students, post-doc, and researchers who already followed the training session "Introduction to Python in English (level 1)" or with intermediate level in Python (knowing how to write functions and pass arguments to them, understanding iteration in Python, and understanding namespaces and module importation).
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